Listening to friends' suggestions to keep in touch with all updates on my training sessions, I have decided to start posting materials, articles and guidance in this blog in a simple language. My friends and trainees in social work may get exposed to additional skills in personal development.
This blog will help us to interact and improve our personal and professional skills and a common platform to learn from each other. I appreciate and thank people read, suggest and post their messages in this blog.
In addition to these folks may post their queries on soft skills and will be getting replies for them.
Starting with "Managing Stress" both in personal and professional life, I welcome friends suggesting specific areas and topics on Soft Skills.
'Stress management' is nothing but managing self not controlling the outside that we imagine caused stress. We are going to discuss many 'stress management tips' in the coming articles. It all depends on hot will you respond to this site.
In 'Stress management' every article and every tips is essential. It does not require any 'yogic practices'.
Stress mgt |
'What is Yoga?'
Yoga is not just practicing all kinds of postures the gurus taught. Just doing what you are with LOVE and complete dedication is called yoga.
Top 5 TIPs to reduce stress.
- Stop complaining others for your stress. It is your response to the external factors not the external factors cause stress to you.
- change your response to others in a way from being disturbed to detachment. Please remember 'None could let you down without your consent'
- Prayer offers tremendous help. Prayer is not just for believers in God. It is an autosuggestion. Atheists could also do a kind of positive autosuggestion.
- always remember in any situation you 'don't want to be stressed'
- Live one moment at a time. Absolutely not the past or thinking the future.
Yoga |
If we are selfish, we would have behaved in a way that others respect us.
if are really selfish, we would have behaved in a way that received only appreciations.
if we are selfish we would not have interfered others freedom and got disturbed.
I think now you could understand what does selfish mean?
Please think yourself that how many matters we are carrying in our minds? Mostly related to others, why don't we carry only ourselves in our mind?
If you have decided to be happy in the moment, none could stop you being happy. It is you that deciding your happiness and sadness. Once we start realizing that we will start leading our life with 'less stress'. If you want to know how to manage anger click here
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